There are three ways to delete or change a GenieStop:
- Delete - If you don’t like some of the auto-generated GenieStops, you can delete them with the trashcan icon (found in the lefthand column stops list).
- Recalculate Overall Route - You can hit the Recalculate Route button (found near the top of the lefthand column on the stops list and represented by two arrows in a circle) which will dynamically recalculate your entire route and will create new GenieStops between Shaping Stops. But don’t forget that this also may delete any GenieStops or unlocked Waypoint Stops. Shaping Stops will not be impacted by Recalculate Route.
- Recalculate One Leg of a Trip - If you wish to re-calculate only a portion of your route, you can press the Recalculate Route button found on the vertical line between stops on the far-left of the stop names. This button will only re-calculate the route between two Shaping Stops but will not re-calculate the route for other stops. This may cause any unlocked GenieStops or unlocked Waypoint Stops between those two points to change. Shaping Stops will not be impacted by pressing either Recalculate Route button.
Recalculate Route Button
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